
The Kingdom of God

What? I Can't Vote?

When you read the Bible, you'll see that scriptures often talks about a kingdom, specificially the Kingdom of God.  In America and other western democracies those scriptures are read but rarely understood.  Do you need to understand what a kingdom is in your day to day life?  Yes, you do.  This is particularly true if you claim to be a follower of Christ and part of His Kingdom.  Let's take a look at a Kingdom  as opposed to a democracy.   

A close study of the roots of western democracy will r…

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Follow These for Success

Sometimes there's frustration among those trying to walk out their destiny and calling in Christ.  Perhaps you've experienced it as well.  

The first thing you need to understand is, oince you've received Christ, you are now  a citizen of and live in a Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven.  This is a real Kingdom.  You live in it now.  The full manifestation of that Kingdom will occur when Jesus returns.  But you live in that Kingdom now. 

It's not a physical Kingdom, but a spiritual Kingdom.  It's …

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Jesus Preached A Kingdom

Matthew, chapter 4, is a record of Jesus' temptation for 40 days and nights on the mount of tempation.  Matthew records that after spending those 40 days and nights on the mount, Jesus settled in Capernaum. 

Then the scripture says in Matthew 4:17, "From that time, Jesus began to preach and say "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."  This passage sets the stage for the message Jesus preached.  

Most often, we preach and teach individual salvation.  Our goal is to save souls; individua…

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