Live a Breakthrough & Prosperous Kingdom Life
In Power and Love
Discover Your Kingdom Destiny
"No Eye Has Seen, No Ear Has Heard and No Mind Has Imagined What God Has Prepared For Those Who Love Him"
1 Corinthians 2:9
You Are A Citizen of the Most Powerful Kingdom In the Universe
The King Has a Plan for You to Manifest His Royal Domain
Let Me Help
For too long, followers of Christ have been living below what God has intended for them. Many struggle in their lives. Many are living a life of frustration and fear. They've been living a life void of Kingdom power. In other words, they haven't been able to get Kingdom principles to work for them. Perhaps you're there now.
One thing to understand is the Kingdom of God is a real, functioning Kingdom. It's not just an idea or a metaphor for somethine else. It's real. The Kingdom is real, with a real King and a real culture.
The Kingdom of God operates completely differently than the world's system.
This is where many believers get stuck. In order to have Kingdom principles "work", it takes a paradigm shift. Scripture tells us we live by faith and not sight. This tells us that faith operates in the unseen world, the spiritual world. Even from this, you can see the Kingdom world as being unseen, is totally different from the physical world we live in.
Jesus told Pilate "my Kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36). The "Royal Domain of Heaven" operates differently from the earthly, physical realm we're used to. It doesn't operate like the systems of our physical world operate. It operates quite differently. .
I want to be your lifestyle coach, helping you with having Kingdom principles work for you, in order to step into your destiny and fulfill your calling. I want to be your coach, through writing (books, courses, booklets and blog posts), as well personal coaching.
This site is a work in progress. So come back, as the site and my offerings grow.
THIS IS MUCH MORE THAN THE MESSAGE OF SALVATION ALONE! Jesus came and preached a Kingdom. Though it's extremely important, salvation is not the Kingdom. It's the door to the Kingdom, "For He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of His Son (Colossians 1:13). Though you still live on earth, you've been transferred into an entirely different realm. Nothing is the same in the realm of the Kingdom, the royal domain.
Finances are different, thinking is different, you live by faith, the words you speak are different, your mindset is different, and you operate in the realm of prayer.
Those nations include states, provinces, counties, parishes, towns and cities. And you have been called by God to go and live a life according to Kingdom principles and exercise Kingdom influence in society. It doesn't matter if you're a housewife or CEO of an organization, your life has a destiny and you have a calling from God.
When you discover your true calling, and how to live within that calling, according to Kingdom principles and your gifting, you'll experience several things.
- Clarity - You'll know why God created you the way He did. You'll be clear that your talents, and gifts aren't just for a job.
- You'll Come Alive - You'll be excited as you discover why you were put on this earth. You're heart will come alive as you realize what you were put on this earth to do.
- You'll Discover You're A Contributor - Often in jobs, it's easy to feel like a taker...only working for a paycheck and feeling like you're working for someone else's dream.
- You'll Realize You Have Significance - Often in jobs or careers in which you really don't sense a feeling of fulfillment, you wonder, if you have any significance. You'll wonder if there's really any significance to life, other than existence. You'll come to understand your great significance and that your life has meaning when you discover your calling and destiny.
You're called to minister divine revelation, supernatural power and divine love. There are people in the world who are desperate to see the Kingdom of God demonstrated and manifested, especially in these times.
Whether a business is looking for a great marketing strategy, a creative desiring that great movie, screenplay, photographs or books, education looking for effective teaching methods or a church desiring superior strategies for reaching its community, superior ideas are needed. As you manifest the Kingdom, you'll need to operate in divine revelation. You'll need to be able to hear God's voice.
In the gospel of Luke is recorded when Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan after Jesus was baptised. One of the temptations is recorded in Luke 4:5. Jesus was led by the devil to a high place and was shown all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. The devil told Jesus; "I shall give you all this dominion and its glory, for it is delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I want". As a result of the fall, the dominion that had been given to Adam was handed over to Satan.
God desires for His people to manifest the Kingdom, the royal Kingdom Domain, in all areas of life.
Whatever one's calling, one of the variables, is faith. This is true whether God has called you to a job, to own a business or to pastor a church. True faith is only activated by love. When you and I go into our culture, we should go in, not with a superior attitude, but in an attitude of love. Thus, you need to operate in your calling in divine love.
Have you ever heard that? God has a plan for you. I heard that over and over. Yes, God definitely has a plan for you. I don't know about you, but the problem for me, was that no one could ever help me discover that plan. No one really showed me "how the Kingdom works". No matter who I asked, I received the same, general answer. "Just pray and God will show you".
I would love for you to allow me to help you discover that plan and how to "manifest the Kingdom".
When God is calling you to something new, He will also lead you through a transition, on your way to your calling. These days God is calling many of His people into something new...a new calling...a new purpose. Often it's something they're totally unprepared for or think they are unprepared for. The transition is often frustrating. It isn't frustrating because of the transition itself, but often, one doesn't want to let go of the old, in order to make room for the new. As I have successfully navigated many of my own transitions, I can help you make your transition more smooth, whether that transition is to a new calling, a life of prayer you haven't had before, the ability to hear God's voice or to understand the Bible or to move to a new city (yes, God called me to that also). Your past has left you clues. But remember; nothing in your past has totally prepared you for the future God has for you. "Behold I am doing a new thing" (Isaiah 43:19)
Hi, I'm David Powers. I was a pastor and spent 25 years in corporate America. I've also led and facilitated home groups. I help people, like you, live a "Kingdom life", where the Kingdom is being manifested. I also help believers discover their calling in God's Kingdom.
Many people are in the situation, where God has called them, and they came to Christ, but feel unfulfilled. They don't feel they are contributing anything or have significance. Perhaps, you're in the same position right now.
At the same time, quite a few don't feel "validated" by their churches or pastors. Many churches are what I call, "Pastor-centric". The whole ministry of the church goes through the pastor.
Or if they're part of a larger church, they see "professional staff" performing the duties of the church. Basically, along with the rest of the congregation, they sing praise and worship songs led by the worship leader then sit down and listen to the pastor preach.
They aren't involved in the ministries of the church, unless they "volunteer" to become involved doing something, if the pastor expresses a need for volunteers.
They read what the Bible says about them being able to walk in power or to "manifest the Kingdom" in their lives.
Some churches will encourage their members to "discover their gifting", or they'll assume natural talents equals gifting. This isn't necessarily the case.
They believers feel their so called "secular" career has nothing to do with ministry or the Kingdom. This couldn't be further from the truth. The reason is many, in the body of Christ, have separated the "sacred" from the "secular".
They don't believe anything outside of their "church life" is related to their faith or the Kingdom of God. Their jobs, are seperate from their "church life". But God never thinks this way. His Kingdom is over and exerts dominion over the "secular".
For quite a few, God is beginning to lead into transition. In that transition they and perhaps you are sensing God leading you in a new direction. Yet, you're confused, bewildered and perhaps a little scared of that direction. I was. You may think nothing you've done has prepared you for where He's taking you. Or you're tired of feeling insignificant and desire to fulfill the calling and destiny He's gifted and wired you to fulfill.
I understand. I've been through significant transitions. I'm a former pastor. I transitioned out of the pastoral ministy, when I saw how unfulfilling it was for me. It was more politics than ministry. I went through an embarrassing and unwanted divorce. Those things aren't supposed to happen to Christians. But, God, in His grace transitioned me through that. He led a wonderful woman to me, who became my wife, after praying and declaring Proverbs 18:22.
In 2015, in bed one night, I was sensing a lack of fulfillment in my job in corporate America. So in bed, in the dark, I just told the Lord how I felt and that I put my life in His hands, to do as He willed. Two weeks later, I was laid off from my job. I struggled for quite awhile, but God was leading me through another transition.
After much trial and searching, the Father has led me into my current ministry, helping others enter their destiny and learn to walk in power and "manifest the Kingdom". Allow me to help you.