Level II; the Mind of Christ
This is the first step into the higher dimension. This is a dimension where those, who don't have a relationship with Christ, can't go. You are told in 1 Corinthians 2:16, as believers we have the mind of Christ. This is a tremendous promise from the Lord. It's a promise to really grab hold of and hang onto of.
You need to grow and mature into it. The mind of Christ takes you into a higher dimension, in the Spirit.
You saw in Level I, the carnal mind is an enemy of God. It cannot and will not submit itself to God. This is why you need to be in level II.
One thing I want to clarify for you, the mind of Christ isn't something you receive from the Lord. When you accept Christ as your savior and are born from above (John 3:3), you have the mind of Christ. As said earlier, you need to grow and mature into it.
In Hebrews 10, is stated how Jesus came to do the Father's will. In John 12, you can see where Jesus said He didn't speak of His own accord, but what the Father commanded Him to say and how to say them. Then in John 14, Jesus said the words He said weren't just his own. He said it was the Father in Him who is doing His work.
In those scriptures, you can see Jesus had a mind to do the Father's will. Then He only spoke what the Father told Him to speak and how to speak it. Later, in John 14, Jesus said it was the Father in Him, who was doing His work.
The Mind of Christ: His Words and Actions
So, the mind of Christ involved His will, His words and His actions. The carnal mind is an enemy of God. It cannot and will not submit to the Father. You can't submit to the Father without going to level II, the mind of Christ.
It's the mind of Christ, that gives us the will to serve the Father. Without growing into and allowing the mind of Christ in you to mature, you won't have the desire to seek God or His will. To the degree the mind of Christ in you is allowed to mature, is the degree to wich you will have a desire to do the Father's will and the works of the Father.
As the mind of Christ in you matures, you'll hear the voice of God more clearly. The carnal mind is too busy fulfilling its own desires, to hear the voice of God.
As the mind of Christ in you matures , you'll be finding yourself speaking the words of God. He'll direct your words in every situation. You'll have no need to fret and worry about speaking in a way that dishonors God. His mind will help you hear the words you should speakk and how you should say them clearly.
Finally, as the mind of Christ matures in you, you'll find your actions more in line with the Father's will. You won't have to be praying and asking God to bless what you're doing. You'll know He'll bless it, as you will be doing more and more works of the Father.
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect" (Romans 12:2).